All posts filed under “investing

Traits of Successful Investors

After we previously wrote about some traits of successful entrepreneurs, we would like to reflect on some traits we often see in successful investors. Investing is a world in which taking risks, making the right decisions at the right time, and knowing how to deal… Read more

Tips to Diversify Your Portfolio

You’ve been told a thousand times, in a hundred different ways, to diversify your portfolio. Don’t put all eggs in the same basket. And so on and so on. But you have only so many eggs you can put in baskets, so how do you… Read more

5 Qualities to Look for in Startup Founders

We’ve interviewed several Dutch angel investors, and when asked what they look for when investing in a startup, the team is always a part of the answer. We also know that the legendary investor Ron Conway isn’t looking at the idea, he’s looking at founders.… Read more

6 Reasons to Invest in Startups

Why do people invest in startups, when the reality is that many fail? Of course, it is exciting. It could be because of the passion that drives the founding team, maybe it’s a great opportunity in the market you’re familiar with, or even because it… Read more