Have you heard about Leapfunder’s new Priced Equity product yet? Although the convertible has become the standard financial instrument for pre-seed and seed funding, we’re hoping that our priced equity product will provide a less technical alternative for many situations. Learn more! Characteristics of a priced… Read more
All posts filed under “investing”
New Podcasts by Christoph Räthke: ‘Angels of Deutschland’
Christoph Räthke is a startup founder, investor, writer, speaker and mentor. His podcast, ‘Angels of Deutschland‘ follows him as he makes three investments in young, digital companies: 3 x 30,000 euros. The aim is to convey the know-how and passion that everyone who wants to successfully… Read more
Becoming Indifferent
In our new ‘Guide to Investing’ blog series, we’re taking you through the highs and lows investors might experience during their journey. In this blog, we talk about the importance of becoming indifferent, to help you through the highs and the lows of startup investing.… Read more
Podcast: ‘Angels of Deutschland’ by Christoph Räthke
Christoph Räthke is a startup founder, investor, writer, speaker and mentor – and one of the business angels supporting Leapfunder. According to the scant data available, less than 1% of wealthy Germans – people with property in excess of 1 Mio € – are active… Read more
Choose Preparedness That Comes from Passion
In our new ‘Guide to Investing’ blog series, we’re taking you through seven steps of startup investing. In this sixth blog, find out how to pick a startup to invest in. The prepared startup It’s well known that investors like passionate founders. You can figure… Read more
Keep Learning and Experimenting
In our new ‘Guide to Investing‘ blog series, we’re taking you through seven steps of startup investing. At Leapfunder we always advise new investors to start by investing small amounts. It is sensible to start building your portfolio slowly over years. Experience is your secret… Read more
Overestimating Yourself and the Startup
In our new ‘Guide to Investing’ blog series, we’re taking you through seven steps of startup investing. People who have successfully invested in real estate, bonds, and equity often think they will be successful at investing in startups. However, it’s an inherently different thing. If you… Read more
Thinking You Can Do Everything Yourself (Alone You Are a Novice, in a Team Perhaps a Master)
In our new ‘Guide to Investing’ blog series, we lead you through seven steps of investing. The third blog in the series is dedicated to analysing a startup and collecting other people’s opinions and experiences to help you make smarter investing decisions. Stop thinking you… Read more
Don’t Do Clever Deals (You Actually Need to Keep Your Deal as Standard and Simple as Possible)
In our new ‘Guide to Investing’ blog series, we lead you through seven steps of investing. In the second blog, we’re talking about deal-making. If you want to make a deal, you negotiate terms. That gives some people inspiration to be creative, but you probably… Read more
Can you pick a winner? (Or perhaps you need a portfolio)
No matter what you think, you are probably not good at picking winners amongst startups. Famously, a Wall Street company specialised in asset allocation once asked a highly confident group of financial professionals to pick the best stocks from a list of companies in the… Read more