The Dutch startup scene is always full of events, demo days and awards. And 2019 will be no different, it will be a year with a lot to discover and learn. Check out the events no investor should miss in 2019! Integrated System Europe When:… Read more
What We’re Planning for 2019 and What We Achieved in 2018
2018 was about becoming a recognised infrastructure player in the Berlin startup scene. Also, we have consolidated our position in the Netherlands with a consistent flow of deals. We have made our platform more sophisticated. It’s now mobile adaptive and easily adapts to every legal… Read more
Live Rounds Update [the Netherlands]: January 10th
We hope that from 2019 we will see the Dutch startup ecosystem go into its mature state. In particular, we would like to see a better ‘exit culture’. After years of hard work, the investors and the entrepreneurs deserve a good exit. Lean Startup Summit… Read more
Live Rounds Update [Germany]: January 10th
Leapfunder has gone from being entirely unknown to a recognized part of the ecosystem. Everybody seems to be aware of us and what we’re doing. Our monthly Investor Round Table Sessions have become a highly appreciated part of the Berlin startup ecosystem because startups have direct access to… Read more
Our New Year Wishes for the Berlin Startup Community
The Berlin startup scene seems to have largely avoided the dip in startup life that has been going on in other European cities. Although incubators and accelerators remain active in Berlin, the startup ecosystem is able to rely on the startup ecosystem itself. When you… Read more
Our New Year Wishes for the Dutch Startup Community: Ready for a Next Level
Six, seven years ago the startup ecosystem in the Netherlands had a fast increase in visibility and activity. Startup accelerators, such as Rockstart and Startupbootcamp, changed the way things work, and a new co-working space seemed to open almost every month. More and more aspiring… Read more
Live Rounds Update: December 27th
AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: We have updated the Leapfunder Note to bring it more in line with the most common market practices. Starting from 2019 we will be using the Leapfunder Note version 5. Important difference: when a qualifying event happens, a valuation for the startup is set. A discount is… Read more
Luuz Bielars: The New Berlin Event Manager
Luuz Bielars is the new Event Manager at GTEC, the German Tech Entrepreneurship Center. The collaboration GTEC has with Leapfunder lets her co-organize the Investor Readiness Sessions every Wednesday and the Investor Round Table every second Friday of the month. Find out more about her… Read more
We Have Updated the Leapfunder Convertible Note
Leapfunder’s purpose is to facilitate funding rounds for early-stage startups which have a scalable business proposition. We provide a two-sided platform where startups raise funding and investors directly invest in startups. For investors, we are a source of deal-flow and a trusted party for reliable… Read more
ITPA Group: Performance Improvement as a Service
Information technology is the backbone for most organizations. Delay or an outage in the IT performance with your systems being down for some time can cause financial losses and potentially losing business deals. ITPA prevents IT performance issues and resolves delays and instabilities in the… Read more