A man in a light blue shirt posing for a photo

Dutch Startup Changemakers: Samir Saberi

Samir Saberi is the Chief Operating Officer at Wam Denim, an advisor and mentor for startups and scale-ups, and a Writer in Residence at the Utrecht University. His writings cover the Dutch entrepreneurial ecosystem, bridging the worlds of entrepreneurs, academics, and public policy. Find out… Read more

A young man with brown hair in a blue shirt posing for a photo

Dutch Startup Changemakers: Tim Lorijn

Tim Lorijn is the Financial Director and Business Sponsor at Label A, a digital product agency. He acts as an unofficial advisor for startups, helps with setting up the administration and budgeting and matches them to potential investors. Find out what is it about the… Read more

A person typing on laptop

Praktische Tipps zum BAFA-INVEST-Förderprogramm

In Deutschland kann eine Startup-Investition für einen INVEST-Zuschuss in Frage kommen. Der INVEST-Zuschuss ist ein staatliches Förderprogramm für Angel-Investitionen des Bundesamts für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA). Es bezuschusst private Investoren, insbesondere Business Angels, die Kapital für diese Unternehmen bereitstellen. Es erlaubt diesen Privatinvestoren zwar eine… Read more

A man with brown hair, wearing a dark blue sweater, posing for a photo

Daniel Haven & ProctorExam’s Huge Success

ProctorExam, a Leapfunder alumnus and the Dutch company that provides hundreds of universities and professional licensing companies with software for online proctoring, has been taken over by a British division of the American company Turnitin as of December 31, 2020. The software company is now the sole shareholder. ProctorExam… Read more