All posts tagged “fundraising

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Anywyse: Leading Audio-first Learning Platform

Anywyse is the leading audio-first learning platform, using AI to create 15-minute audio summaries from textbooks for easy comprehension and retention. By employing proven techniques to enhance learning retention, their innovative audio format turns listening into effective learning, setting a new standard in education. Find… Read more

Young people working

5 Dinge, die Sie nach dem Fundraising tun sollten

Sie haben gerade Ihre Finanzierungsrunde abgeschlossen, gut gemacht! Sie haben erfolgreich nach Business Angels gesucht, sich vergewissert, dass Sie mit ihnen auf die richtige Art und Weise sprechen, Ihre Finanzierungsrunde auf die Beine gestellt und die Mittel beschafft, die Sie zu den nächsten Meilensteinen führen… Read more

Young people working

5 Things to Do After Fundraising

You’ve just finished your funding round, well done! You have been successful in searching for business angels, making sure you speak to them the right way, setting up your funding round and raising the funds that will get you to your next milestones! You must… Read more

A young man with long brown hair, wearing a red sweater, smiling

Startup Changemakers: Hayden Young

Hayden Young, the Portfolio & Marketing Manager at Antler, is a creative and analytical marketing professional with skills that require both a right and left-brain mentality. At Antler, a global early-stage VC, he assists startups in their fundraising efforts. It’s an essential part of any startup’s journey, but especially… Read more