It’s been a while since we talked to Christoph Räthke, a startup founder, investor, writer, speaker and mentor. Between ‘19 and ‘20, he was working on Angels of Deutschland, a podcast that follows him as he makes three investments in young, digital companies: 3 x… Read more
Belén Hein & Felix Hermsen: Co-Founders of Neurolytics
Belén Hein & Felix Hermsen are co-founders of Neurolytics, a startup that uses AI to develop video assessments, so companies can screen employees and job candidates for characteristics such as stress resistance, motivation, and match with the team. Find out why they started working together,… Read more
Boon & Bliss: Reinventing Gifts
Did you know that 2 out of 5 people lie about liking a gift? Every year, €20B worth of unwanted gifts clutter our houses and our planet. Over 30% of gift cards that we give to each other – never get redeemed. As they expire… Read more
High-Resolution Fundraising (DE)
Wenn Sie ein Startup-Gründer sind, der eine Finanzierung auftreiben möchte, oder ein Angel-Investor, der intelligentes Kapital investieren möchte, sollten Sie sich mit dem Begriff “High-Resolution Fundraising” vertraut machen. Er stammt ursprünglich aus Kalifornien. Der erste, der diesen Begriff verwendete, war wahrscheinlich Paul Graham (YCombinator) im… Read more
High-Resolution Fundraising
If you’re a startup founder looking to raise funding, or an angel investor looking to invest smart capital, you should become familiar with the term high-resolution fundraising. It’s originally from California. The first person to use this term was probably Paul Graham (YCombinator) back in… Read more
Floris van Hoogenhuyze & WE.VESTR: Equity Management. Simplified.
Floris van Hoogenhuyze co-founded two companies operating in PropTech. First Barqo, an online boat rental platform and then WE.VESTR, an equity management platform. Find out what’s his mission at WE.VESTR, what is it about entrepreneurship that particularly attracts him and how he’s contributing to the startup ecosystem… Read more
Leapfunder’s Investor Matching Programm
Jeder, der schon einmal in den Bergen war, weiß, dass man manchmal erst einen Gipfel erklimmen muss, um zu sehen, dass es weiter weg noch höhere Gipfel gibt. Für viele Start-ups ist die erste große Herausforderung für ihr Überleben die Suche nach Investoren. Unmittelbar danach… Read more
Dutch Startup Changemakers: Nalden
Ronald Hans aka Nalden first came to prominence with his pioneering blog,, which he started as a teenager. He co-founded WeTransfer, bootstrapped it to profitability, raised $25M, opened an office in LA and left a decade later. In addition to WeTransfer, he is the… Read more
German Startup Changemakers: Will Fischer
Will Fischer, the Managing Partner at Voxdale, is passionate about solving the world’s hardest problems in unique ways. He’s worked in the fields of aerospace, nanotechnology, semiconductor equipment, robotics, mechatronics, consumer products, and smart furniture. He spent years working at startups and founding two of… Read more
Leapfunder’s Investor Matching Program
Anyone who has been in the mountains knows that sometimes you need to climb a peak to be able to see that there are even higher peaks further away. For a lot of startups, the first major challenge to their survival is finding investors. However,… Read more