Berlin skyline

Live Rounds Update (Germany): July 11th

Do you want to receive more notifications about rounds & our platform? Or, on the contrary, want to turn it down a notch? Tweak your settings! Even during the summer, Berlin is full of events for startups and investors. You can join a startup battle,… Read more

Berlin skyline

Summer Events in Berlin

Even during the summer, Berlin is full of events for startups and investors. You can learn how to talk to investors, how to use basic financial instruments and network with founders and investors in a casual, informal setting. Check out the events Berlin has to offer this summer!… Read more

A black and white photo of someone's hands typing on a Mac laptop

Live Rounds Update: June 27th

Did you know we have an academy page? Click on the image and learn about the subjects that interest you most. In our new Video Lessons, we’re talking about a liquidation preference: a right that has an effect during a liquidity event. A liquidation preference… Read more

Five people having dinner at the table

Skytree: Air Recirculation in Closed Spaces

Skytree is part of the growing ‘Direct Air Capture’ (DAC) industry. Their first of a kind process removes CO2 and H2O from car cabins by harnessing life-support technology originally developed at the European Space Agency. By removing dangerous CO2 & humidity build-up, a Skytree air purifier… Read more

Live Rounds Update (Germany): June 13th

Did you know you have a portfolio page? Click on the image to try it out.             We talked to Miriam Bundel, the Co-founder of Unternehmerwissen, an event and conference program for entrepreneurs. They bring together experts, entrepreneurs and investors,… Read more

German Startup Changemakers: Miriam Bundel

Miriam Bundel is the Co-founder of Unternehmerwissen, an event and conference program for entrepreneurs. They bring together experts, entrepreneurs and investors, to help founders take their business to the next level. The events are all about sharing in-depth knowledge regarding growth, personal freedom and development.… Read more