Macbook on a wooden table

Live Rounds Update (Germany): April 11th

Do you know enough about the shareholders’ agreement? It sets the rules of the working relationship and functions as a corporate marriage, so you can avoid potential conflict. Trust is good, but a signature on a good agreement is better. If you still haven’t, check… Read more

A brunette with short hair in a black shirt

German Startup Changemakers: Meera Innes

As a former founder and a current mentor at Techstars, Meera Innes has almost ten years of startup experience. She is committed to creating a better system which enables founders to access support on an ongoing basis. She works directly with founders and can be… Read more

Man's hands typing on Mac

Live Rounds Update: March 28th

When it comes to technological innovation, Europe is now lagging behind not only the US and Japan but also China. Today, of the world’s 15 largest digital firms, not one is European. One of the major gaps that needs to be addressed is early-stage funding.… Read more

A woman in a shirt posing for a photo with a black background

Dutch Startup Changemakers: Janneke Niessen

Janneke Niessen is a serial entrepreneur, technologist, innovator, and creative thinker, who started her own company almost 20 years ago when ‘startup’ was still a non-existing word. And even though everyone discouraged her, she went on with the idea. Find out how she entered the… Read more

A laptop on a table next to a notebook

Live Rounds Update (Germany): March 14th

Berlin’s real estate prices continue to increase. PwC’s Emerging Trends in Real Estate in 2019 rank Berlin the second best city in Europe according to its overall investment and development prospects. In what are you investing these days? Real estate or startups? Did you know that by investing… Read more