All posts tagged “business angel

A man in a grey t-shirt with glasses posing for a photo

Startup Changemakers: ​​Oliver Hanisch

Oliver Hanisch’s mission at Campus Founders, an entrepreneurship and co-innovation center in the Heilbronn-Franken region, is directly linked to his personal mission – to have an impact on the future and to be part of great solutions and innovations. Find out how’s Oliver shaping the startup… Read more

A bald man smiling

German Startup Changemakers: Kai Malkwitz

Kai Malkwitz is an entrepreneur, a business angel and a startup mentor. He offers strategic consulting for organization development, innovation processes and entrepreneurship. His focus is on b2b (or b2b2c) businesses with disruptive potential in Energy, Mobility, and Smart Cities. Find out why he only… Read more

A man with short brown hair and glasses posing for a photo

German Startup Changemakers: Michael Friebe

Michael Friebe has been involved in HealthTech ventures as both a founder and business angel for quite some time now. He’s also teaching health startup entrepreneurship at the Technical University of Munich and seven years ago, he started the HealthTEC Innovation Lab at the University of… Read more

Four Significant Achievements in Four Years

This month Leapfunder turned four! Since the very beginning, we aim to help startups find early-stage financing. We do this by offering support and financial tools, developed with great care. We are already the largest Angel investor network in Europe, and we are determined to… Read more