All posts tagged “investment

Hands typing on laptop

Keep Learning and Experimenting

In our new ‘Guide to Investing‘ blog series, we’re taking you through seven steps of startup investing. At Leapfunder we always advise new investors to start by investing small amounts. It is sensible to start building your portfolio slowly over years. Experience is your secret… Read more

A man in a blue jacket standing in the street in Amsterdam

Fundraising 5: Closing the Deal

In our new ‘Raising Funding for Your Startup’ blog series, we’re taking you through six steps of raising funding. In this fifth blog, we’re talking about closing the deal. Learn more about closing deals the right way and the importance of asking for help when… Read more

Create Your Funding Roadmap

Fundraising 1: Create Your Funding Roadmap

In our new ‘Raising Funding for Your Startup’ blog series, we will lead you through six steps of raising funding. The first step, and therefore, the first blog, is dedicated to creating a funding roadmap. It allows the startup to get organized and answer potential… Read more

A Chat With Investors Martin Amersfoort

A Chat With Investors: Martin Amersfoort

‘A Chat With Investors’ is our new blog series, in which we ask successful investors to share their knowledge, experience, and tips for both entrepreneurs and beginning startup investors. We had a chance to talk to Martin Amersfoort, who has a Ph.D. in optoelectronics, was… Read more